1:1 Coaching
Positive psychology coaching capitalises on the good things in life. My approach combines clinical psychology, positive psychology, somatic breathwork and the sociology of parenthood to give you a wholebeing and transformational experience.
Your 1:1 coaching sessions are designed to put you in the driver's seat of your life. I help you to uncover what your life goals are, overcome any blocks that are getting in your way, and make sure those goals are confidently met.

How It Works
1:1 sessions are delivered to you over the 6-week Survival to Revival programme.
You start your journey with a somatic breathwork session, designed to help you clear out any stress and blocks that are in your way.
Your next two sessions are coaching sessions, in which I guide you towards creating direction towards life goals that will ultimately lead to your fulfilment and confident, authentic living.
At the end of each session, we create action steps for you to implement during the week so that you can integrate your insights and begin to make positive life changes right away.
Session 1 - Somatic Breathwork
Sessions 2 & 3 - Life Coaching
Session 4 - Somatic Breathwork
Sessions 5 & 6 - Life Coaching
The Survival to Revival programme is uniquely tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. You can renew at the end of the 6 weeks, and you can opt for having your sessions online via Zoom, or in-person in Dubai (subject to timing availability)
Your 1:1 Survival to Revival coaching journey begins with a free discovery call to assess your needs and goals.
When you enrol, you will receive a total of two somatic breathwork sessions, four life coaching sessions and full weekday between-session WhatsApp support and accountability.
Your investment for the full six weeks is $1062.